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Your Memories

Noted Nest

Updated: Oct 2, 2024

By Kaisar Mahmadiftikar Shekh

I was counting the stars in your memory,

Neither the stars ended, nor the night ended,

We were worrying unnecessarily.

The night is long and the stars are countless,

Like countless memories and unnecessary promises.

Remembrance comes at the wrong time, night comes at the right


Light of stars comes to the earth,

And the light of memories comes to my heart.

Somebody ask that sky,

The stars must be piercing in the heart of the sky,

As the memory stings in my heart.

With the first ray of the sun,

the moon took the bundle of stars with it,

I also took the bundle of memories with me.

By Kaisar Mahmadiftikar Shekh

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Jun 16, 2024

Nice poem


Lovely poem. 😄

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