By Suryanjali Jha
The toughest battle played by you is against yourself.
You can blame anyone for your defeat, but the real battle is against your psychology.
In modern society, the majority of people fall down when they can’t compete with their own expectations.
You will not find your true happiness because you go everywhere or to everyone, but not inside you.
You will hurt yourself unknowingly, as your inner trauma hasn’t given you priority.
Maybe you will achieve materialistic comfort but can’t sit still.
In the chaos in your mind between consciousness and unconsciousness, you always lose your true identity.
As a fact, you can feel the ocean inside you, but it can only express a few drops.
You can have hunger inside you, but you will have only water to feed your inner self.
You can handle any situation by ignoring it, but how far can you go to avoid your unconscious mind, which has things like,
A daily battle of anxiety, loneliness, and depression, which eventually makes you hollow.
You don’t need to change or hide yourself for the sake of society; instead, you need to have your own hand in appreciating and accepting your original self.
It will always be You for You, You by You, and You from You.
By Suryanjali Jha