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You Are Always Number One to Yourself

Noted Nest

Updated: Oct 2, 2024

By Dominica J.S. Marbaniang

You Are Always Number One to Yourself 

'Self-love is the only love that will ultimately carry you through your journey in life

Ashish Bagrecha 

Many would inevitably reiterate the bond of physical 

affection and emotional 

attachment as the most common definition of love. But here's the thing, if only love was too easy to be 

defined so explicitly! 

There is significantly more to plunge between the lines of this single, four-lettered word. As synonymous as the word maybe with the broadest nature of a selfless, 

unselfish being, this feeling has without exception, been 

felt otherwise too. 

Oftentimes, unfortunately, 

women fall victim of 

'deceitful love'. Deceitful love? 

Well hang on!.. This article isn't linked to any form of deceitful 

romanticism between two love 

rs, neither am I to extend relationship advises to wrap up a happy ending if that's what you think this article is about. I'm sorry if that was disappointing enough but this piece is dedicated to "Women". Women who 

have replaced their inner dialo gue of hope and determination with fear and apprehension. 

Women who have refused to 

stand tall. Women devoid of hope. Women who no longer believe. Women who smile only because that is what is expected of them. Women who love, but fail to love 

themselves first. 

For many of them, life unfolded in it's most abrupt ways. Dreams that once burned with intense passion of hope and excitement no longer ignited a spark. Tasks 

that required dedication and passion were no longer done out of love, but obligation. Pouring out feelings felt like a one way conversation. Wings that were meant to fly have been caged down in sorrowful cries. 

How so could a being so 

magical and powerful; a masterpiece of grace and beauty, be confined within such walls of contempt and neglection? How would 

she ever learn to grow, to bloom to blossom? How 

would she ever find herself, her purpose? How would she ever live the life she always dreamed of? How would she 

ever understand the blissful meaning of happiness? 

Love, they say, is 'the absence of judgement'. However, for as long as the existence of women have been recognized, women have never been fully acknowledged as being 

capable of 

extraordinary things. 'Love assures understanding'. To that end, why do women continue to be engaged in conversations in 

which they are not even heard? 

'Love extends motivation', to exhibit potentials and capabilities that fulfil reasons for existence. Yet, why are women still suppressed off their goals and aspirations? 

Dear Women, Love yourself. 

Love yourself with every breath. Love yourself with every heartbeat. Love yourself with every fibre of your being. Love yourself. Because Self- 

Love is the only love that will ultimately carry you through your journey in life

You are capable despite the odds. You own yourself. Stop listening to the voices that tell you to be like everybody else. Explore with vigour what sets your soul on fire. Begin your 

day with the intention of creating meaning and 

purpose. Acknowledge your mistakes, accept your flaws. Love, dear women, love. But remember, love yourself first. 

Bear in mind, self- 

love isn't about being selfish. It is about honouring your own existence. It is about living your dreams. It is about elevating yourself in worthy of being treated with dignity. It is about listening to your inner 

voice. It is about executing what you believe in. It is about upholding your life over the habit of existence. It is about 


Pull yourself together dear women, and believe. Believe that you can move mountains. You deserve to feel the love that you are so capable of giving. 


You Are Always Number One 

to Yourself.

By Dominica J.S. Marbaniang

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You are truly talented 😍

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You're so talented 🤩🤩

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So beautiful ❤️

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So talented ❤️❤️

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