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Woes of a Student

Noted Nest

Updated: Oct 3, 2024

By Vijaya Kumar Arjun

Hectic times, sleepless nights

Too much work, restless minds

10 hours a day, cruel thing

Everyday, constant like a ring

All we see is a big black board

You’re right if u think we’re bored

Not a word, girl of boy

Constant study and no joy

Waiting for the bell to ring

And to hear the students sing

Work till the darkest night

Wake by the morning light

So much torture, aching heads

Schedule so tight, captured by nets

Why can’t we have fun and laughter

Including study before and after

We’ve all heard joy is needed or you’ll be dull

It is as important as a ships grand hull

Lets join hands and let us unite

For against this system, we shall fight

All these are but the woes of a student

In this loop, we are a rodent

By Vijaya Kumar Arjun

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