By Suhas Bhat
You have ice like a pearl,
You must have been an angel
On the top of my heart
Best over you……
Having you as the love
Is the best one as to do
You ain’t gonna treat
Me like a scum from voodoo
Memories gonna lie sometimes in your head,
Just listen to them and open up your hood
You gonna make me some cry….
Over the deep feeling fry..
Ooooppps baby ,,,,you even me getting high,,
Obessions with you, made me dis alpha male
Who gonna care a lot , and pamper you babe,,
You not gonna only control my heart…..
Your’e wanna access my life
With the blood lime and the blood shade
Allover my body deepens with you….
Oooopss baby ,,,, you even me getting high….
By Suhas Bhat