By Aishwarya B.
Wasn’t Truth the one Virtue you always sought?
The one for which you so relentlessly fought?
That made many of them say that you were a lot?
The one virtue for which you let yourself be caught?
Put everyone you knew and loved on the spot?
Caused people to count you as the bad sort?
So what do you do when the epiphany hits you
Like on a pure white canvas, of ink a blot.
That when compared to the enormity of the cosmos,
You are nothing but a dot.
And where do the virtues you consider so dear, fall?
As they now ironically seem like a person’s mere thought.
From your position of entitlement you fall.
By Aishwarya B.
Amazed by your work
This is my fav one ! So much of insightful meaning to this !
Very authentic and a thought that many of us ponder over
Wow, great
Great insight 👍 Nice work