By Diksha Kanani
Loved the way it started,
just not knowing if it’s ever gonna be
Once in my lifetime,
I wanted to be someone’s secret
Your eyes speak languages,
Only my eyes can understand
I love the way my heart expands,
The sight of you I can’t stand.
I am falling into in a black hole,
Falling deep into it
I look in the mirror I see me, but
Not the me I know I am seeing me from your eyes
I sink in thoughts,
Creating my own silhouette, of two lost souls just passing by,
Briskly walking away from someone they once had,
Asking each other ‘what am I to you now’ ?
Every night I sit down,
To write about you
Remembering a little about me,
Loving a little more about you
If you could read my mind,
You’ll know how often I think about you
I’ m addicted to your name,
That’s why I keep practicing it on my tongue.
I wanna brain wash you,
Into loving me forever
I love you not only for who you are,
But for what I am when I am with you.
By Diksha Kanani