By Mahati Shiralkar
i know i should’ve come out,
from way under the ragged depths of my skin,
from underneath the rotten flesh,
dead from days of deprecation and pure pain.
but i hid sheepishly instead.
i know i should’ve walked away,
away from vile people that expected too much,
away from dreadful situations that gave too less,
away from ghastly thoughts that had infiltrated their way in.
but i foolishly froze there instead.
i know i should’ve liked myself better,
liked the scars that intimately laced my skin,
loved the occasional smile that was always half-warped,
And i wish i adored the sound of my cracked voice,
but i ended up being a person i bitterly hated.
i know i should’ve looked away,
i know i could’ve.
but it’s too late,
they’re already staring at me with a sardonic grin,
looking into my soul.
fiercely. deeply. intensely.
By Mahati Shiralkar
Very well written
very good poem
Very good
Very nice 👌