By Aditi Penumatcha
Once I asked a bird
“Which would you prefer?
A home of diamonds and gold
Or flight in a sky where dangers lurk?”
“I would choose the skies,” said the bird
“Why? Why would you want
Almost certain death
In a world where freedom is scarce
Over a life of comfort
Why do you choose this path” I asked
“Because my dear,” said the bird
“Why have wings if I don’t use them to fly?
Should I choose to walk, why have them at all?
The skies were made for us to reach
No limit set to our dreams
Yet you speak of a golden home
That is no more than a cage made of diamonds and gold
The gilded cage may have wealth
But it can never be
The joy I have when I’m in the sky
Nothing can match that ecstasy
Your wings, like mine, are not ornamental
They were made to soar around the world
So why do you wish to clip them off
When you could spread them instead and fly?
Yes, you can go down the safer path
And lead an easy life
But what is it worth to live in this hell
If you can’t be free at all?
Listen to me and head my advice
We all only get one true life
I chose to be free even if I must fall
Others choose to stay for something else
Which is not wrong at all
We are all different
You are a human and I a bird
We all must lead different paths
And write our own stories
Yours my dear will be very unique
It will bask in light and glory
By Aditi Penumatcha