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Timeless Bonds

Noted Nest

By B.Murali Krishna

When riches flow, friendships grow,

But will they last, or wither slow?

For in the tide of wealth's dark sea,

True friends are tested, few remain to be.

With pockets full, and hearts so light,

Friendships bloom, in the warm sunlight.

But when fortune fades, and riches flee,

Do friendships stay, or disappear with glee?

Some friends cling tight, through thick and thin,

While others vanish, with the last din.

For in the depths of poverty's dark night,

True friends shine bright, a guiding light.

Wealth's illusion, a deceptive snare,

That tests the heart, and shows us who truly care.

For when we're rich, and our pockets are wide,

Friends flock around, with a hopeful stride.

But when we're poor, and our pockets are bare,

True friends remain, with a loving care.

For they know wealth's just a fleeting dream,

And friendship's value, a true heart's theme.

So let us cherish, the friends we hold,

Through riches and rags, through young and old.

For true friendship's worth, far exceeds gold,

And in the end, its value will unfold 

By B.Murali Krishna

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