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Time Travel

Noted Nest

By Saranya Nayak

Is it an illusion? Or anything else?

What is it, that makes us all restless?

Day after night and night after day.

What is the secret of all these play?

What is time and what's its role in space

Who can reveal this mysterious face?

The time carries us all with its flow.

From yesterday today and for tomorrow.

Giving many experiences and memories

It'd made our past with many fun and worries.

Is there any technology in this era of science?

Which can take us to the past as well as for future convince.

To erase our all dark pasts we need a time machine.

Can we really travel the time? Just imagine.

In general theory of relativity we get some hints on it.

That time is not absolute, it's a relative quantity.

When someone travel with the speed of light

The speed of time get shorter for that flight.

Although the time travel concept is hypothetical

But it has a lot of application like in GPS system analytical.

Wow! How fascinating is this in science fictions!

We can handle our past as well as our coming situations.

Really the concept of time is beyond our imaginations.

By Saranya Nayak

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