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The Strange World

Noted Nest

Updated: Oct 4, 2024

By Barshita Das

A quiet girl was venturing into the streets from a long time. Suddenly a stranger's eyes fell on her and she approached her. "What happened? Are you new here? Or are you lost? You seem quite confused. May I help you? Don't be afraid I am of your age and we can be friends", the kind hearted girl spoke up with concern. "I am Arunima, I don't know where I am and I don't know anyone here", the quiet girl replied with a low voice. "Hi, I am Kritika. I live near by and I live alone. Would you like to come with me?" Arunima nodded her head in yes as she found Kritika trust worthy.

Upon reaching home, Kritika asked her to get fresh. She provided her towel and some of her clothes to wear. After getting fresh, Kritika set the dining table for their meal. She said, "I know the food might not be that tasty but please have it. I am just learning how to cook, hope you can eat it." For few seconds Arunima kept staring at all the dishes as if she was seeing them for the first time. She hesitantly took the salad plate and started having them. Kritika with a confused mind asked, "Why you are only having salad? I have made lunch. Have it." She listened to her and took a bite of it. On finding it so much tasty, she finished everything that was served within a few minutes. Kritika requested her to come and take some rest. They lied down on the same bed and while scrolling through the reels on her instagram, she asked, "Arunima, where are you from? What do you do? Do you remember your parents' phone number?" "Phone number? What is that?", she asked with wrinkes on her face. Kritika at first thought she was joking but upon seeing the tension on her face she understood that something was unusual. She woke up and sit saying, "What are you saying? You don't know what is phone number in today's world? Are you for real?" She with a no idea type face maintained her silence. Suddenly the calling bell rang and Kritika went to see who was it. It was the maid who comes daily to sweep the floor and wash the utensils. The maid got busy with her work and Kritika returned to Arunima. She said, "okay fine tell me where do you live? How have you reached here?" She started crying and said, "You won't believe if I say from where I actually came. I belong to some other world. In our world different spells are taught to teleport ourselves to different places. I accidentally read the wrong spell which was about teleportation to another world. Now I am stuck here. I don't exactly remember the reverse spell which would take me back. I am trying very hard to recall it but it's not working. Somewhere some line or word I am missing." Kritika kept her eyes wide open on listening this. She couldn't believe her ears and like any other human being she didn't believe at first. She thought that Arunima must be fooling her around until she provided the proof by teleporting herself from one room to the other. Kritika now was totally convinced. But she warned Arunima to not share this with anyone as people can take advantage of it to become famous. She assured Arunima that she could stay here as long as she needed untill she successfully recalls the correct spell. But the saying that walls have ears too was totally correct. The maid eves dropped their entire conversation. She completed her work very rapidly and left very early. She directly headed towards the Science Research Centre. On reaching there she opened her mouth about everything she heard and requested to look into the matter. She also provided the recording she did of their conversation. She also sought credit if this becomes a big news. The team of the bureau reached Kritika's home in no time. Instead of directly catching them, the team decided to keep an eye on them for some time. They started peeping through the window. Arunima and Kritika were playing like kids. Arunima was teaching the spells for covering small distances. They witnessed the scenario with their own eyes and was totally convinced. They barged in and forcefully took both of them to their centre. They were made to sit on two chairs. There was a table in the middle and at the opposite of it, the investigating officer was sitting. The investigation officer started speaking, "we have the video where you are casting spell to transport yourself. In this video you yourself confessed that you belong to some other world. And if you are thinking that you will escape by saying that this video is edited, for your kind information we peeped through your window and went live on both instagram and facebook to show our world about how you two were practicing spells. So if you even think of escaping somehow, the whole world's eyes are on you. They will bring you back to us. So don't even think of trying this. And can you hear the sound coming from outside? It's the media roaring for the sensational news of today. So either you willingly disclose everything about your world to us or we will have to take other measures to open your mouth." Arunima broke in tears. With folded hands, she started saying, "Our world is very small. They are not even technologically developed like your world. We mean no harm to your world. I came here accidentally. Please spare us. I can die for my planet but how can I put my entire planet at stake because of me. Rather you kill me." "Killing you will be like sparing you and we know very well how to get our work done. You won't be killed but your friend Kritika definitely would be. Can you see infront of your eyes that the friend who helped you when no one came forward, the friend who provided you shelter, that friend will breath her last in front of you. Are you okay with that?", the officer played the trick saying this. On this Kritika said, "Don't think about me Arunima, I am only one. You can't put everyone's life of your planet at stake just to save my life. I will be proud if I will die for an entire planet. I will consider myself as Martyr." Arunima lost herself in a deep thought but after sometime she broke her silence saying, "No Kritika I can't do this. In my world, it is taught to always help the ones who helped you. And I can't let my planet down by proving their teachings wrong. The people their live on principles. They can lose their life but they can't see their young ones disobeying the teachings provided to them. So I can't break my principle either. You helped me in my need, now I can't turn my back on you. Officer I am ready to take you there but I have to recall my spell for which I need sometime and open space." The officer made every arrangement and big gun machines, army tank and rifles everything were loaded along with them. They surpassed the media and left for the open space. They reached Himalayas range as it was the most secluded place on earth. After a lot of trials, she finally recalled her spell. To go with her, they have to touch her and the touch the objects simultaneously which they wish to carry. Kritika requested to take her also along with them. So on casting the spell, in a few minutes they were teleported to Arunima's world. The air was so fresh there. Every blowing breeze gives you the feeling of kiss which you are longing for since long. The water tastes different as if it is mixed with the honey. The plants were talking to each other and every other creature on their planet had emotions which they could express through their vocal cord. Arunima ran towards her home which was surrounded by greenery. She started calling her mother in a loud voice. Her mother came outside and immediately hugged her. One by one everyone in their surrounding came outside. Everyone was so happy to see her back that they didn't notice the people standing at a distance. Her mother started saying, "Where had you gone? We searched for you so much. I was so scared." "Maa I cast the wrong spell and was taken to some other world called earth. There I was encountered with a girl who took care of me like my own sister. But the officials present there captured us and threatened to kill her if I don't bring them here. She requested me to not speak anything but how could I fail your teachings. From childhood you taught me to help the ones who help you. Now they are here with the intention of taking over our planet. They are very developed and technologically advanced. We can't win fighting with them. Sorry maa everything happened because of me." Her mother wiped her tears when their head came forward patting her back saying that he was proud of her. He approached towards the officials. Kritika quickly came to Arunima's side. The officer said, "In our planet every show which was made on alien, there it was shown that aliens are more powerful than us and it feels chest with immense pride to witness that today we are the superior ones. If you peacefully surrender, we will not cause any harm to you. We will take you with us and research on you. And we will make this place suitable for earth's people to live. And if you decide to fight, we are ready with our weapons." The head smiled and said, "it's true that we are not advanced like you are. And we can't win the fight, that also I know but we are not going to surrender. If we have to die, we will choose to die on our own planet. You have to take over our place by killing us all?" The officer signalled everyone to start firing. At the mean time it started lightning and thundering. Heavy storm started circling the place and the trees were falling one by one to each of their weapons destroying everything. The natural calamity continued untill everything they brought with them were destroyed. The peepal tree which was the oldest tree present there came forward and spoke up, "May be they are not modern like you people are. But they have a clean heart. They think of the nature too unlike you all who only think to make your life comfortable. I am the oldest here. I have seen each one of them growing. They took care of me and every other being of creature like their own family members. So how can you think we will leave them alone in this situation? Everything is made from nature. Your this so called weapons are also made from the elements of nature. So we are the parents of everyone. So if we decide to bring you down, no power of your world can stop us and I hope the educated persons like you know this very well. You know what is the difference between the nature of your planet and this planet? You have destroyed your nature and the natural calamities now occur their are only the consequences of your deeds which will drown you all someday. But the natural calamity that happened here today is to save and protect as them as we are one family. You all are so self obsessed that after destroying mother earth, you now have come here to disturb their harmony and you think that we will tolerate this. You are increasing your population to such an extent that the entire earth has become less for your space and now you need this planet also. If this continues like this, no technology will help you from not getting destroyed. I fear hardly few plants will be there like me who will live upto this age. How can they, you will cut them to make houses. The global warming and drought you are facing in today's time, you all very well deserve it. If you really want to save your planet, take tips from them and start working on them instead of trying to snatch away someone's land." This opened the eyes of the earth's people and they apologized to them for their actions. Arunima wanted to keep Kritika with her but ultimately she had to let her go thinking that the right place for her would be her own plant. They both hugged each other tightly until Arunima broke into tears and said, "You are the best friend I got. I will always remember you." Kritika held her hand and wished, "I will pray that if after my death, God has written heaven for me then He sends me here as this place is nothing less than Heaven. I will miss you." Saying this they all left for the earth upon casting the spell by the head.

Moral of the story: Save nature and nature will save you.

By Barshita Das

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