By Ananya Dey
In the core of Varanasi
there was once a girl born.
So fierce and so brave,
that she would be remembered years after her death.
Born to a warrior she was,
her heart made of brick,
mind of glass,
heart of steel.
So fierce and so brave
that she would be remembered years after her death.
God didn't bless and send her here,
motherless she became
at the ripe of four,
bereaved she became
while she had to manage the throne.
She wasn't like the others,
cooking, cleaning and such tasks
didn't interest her.
Instead shooting and fencing were at Manikarnika's heart.
With her dusky skin,
complementing her long black hair,
she rode the horses
and used her sword to slain the white men.
So fierce and so brave
that she would be remembered years after her death.
From Venaras to Jhansi, she went.
Having no idea that the fate of 'hat
state would soon be in her hands.
Unrocky, the surfaces of the mountains were,
when thunder striked the rocks
and everything came down,
in pieces and blocks.
If 'ye thought it to be the end of the misfortunes
Ye are mistakened highly.
For the mountain had to face much more.
Such it was for the state of Jhansi,
who first lost her hair,
then it's king,
and then her last hope, the queen.
So fierce and so brave
that she would be remembered years after her death.
As hard as life and battlefields are,
it was twice as hard for her.
As life threw two rolling stones at her.
So fierce and so brave
that she would be remembered years after her death.
She didn't look any less
than a lost child wandering at a fair,
with no idea where she was
or what she was doing there.
But as brave as she was,
she could probably defeat
all the white men
without any fear.
So she did,
she took her horse and her sword
and went to fight
and slain all the white men.
God didn't bless and send her here
with jewels, wealth, beauty or ability.
Everything was acquired while
fighting in the battlefield.
While some chose to stay, some chose to flee,
She stayed and learnt
all the ways
of life and warfare.
And she rose from the small Manikarnika
To become the great Lakshmi Bai.
So fierce and so brave
that she would be remembered years after her death.
So brave and so fierce, she was
yet life chose
not to give her a second chance;
as she was fighting and struggling
for breath but she died on the battlefield
and laid as cold as stone
but still held her sword as if ready to cut like glass.
The powerful steel body lay there,
with blood gushing out
and with none to disturb, she laid there for forever rest.
So fierce and so brave
that she would be remembered years after her death.
By Ananya Dey