By Sumana Nayak
A cat had a fight
With all her might
She wanted the cheese
Instead she got some peas
She scratched on the wall
She kicked the doll
Yet she wasn't heard at all
Her eyes 👀
Rolling around
Smelt something
She found
It was a meat pie
Kept hidden
Beside the aisle
Who kept it?
She wondered
She pondered
Hunger punched
Her inside out
She had no other choice
But to devour it.
She enjoyed
It was sweet and sour
Yet it seemed little bitter
She didn't care
Her dare
Turned out to
Be fatal
As she started
To feel a pain in her naval
What was it?
Soon she dozed off
Transferred to the
Other world
She was poisoned
To death
To remove
Her from the world
By Sumana Nayak