By Tanisha Desai
The story that is about to unfold
Has many, many a time been told
It involves Kitty, a young street cat
Who, after eating to much, had become quite fat. One day, she was sitting, feasting happily on cake When two people saw her- this might be their big break! They were both kidnappers, a clown and a mime And they were terribly poor, they didn’t own a dime. Quietly they crept into the house
Tiptoeing inside, silent as a mouse
They tried to swiftly carry her away
But she couldn’t be lifted, come what may! Now, Kitty was as heavy as can be
So they were unable to lift her, you see.
The more you weigh, the harder you are to kidnap. Stay safe. Eat cake. Well, I’m off for a nap.
By Tanisha Desai