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The Last Leaf

Noted Nest

By Gunni

“I was all tensed and was drenched in the sweat, the only thing I had with me was my hope that could  fall anytime soon just like the last leaf of autumn, I knew that me and our team has worked ourselves to  the bone but still my heart was pondering very hard, I squinted into the glare of auditorium and just a  heartbeat later my vision went black…..” 

It was the first day of autumn when I first found out that my sister has been diagnosed with a hole in her  heart, the news came up to me in such a flash that I was not able to interpret the shock that I recently  had been introduced with and I was not even sure whether to cry or shout I just stood there numb and  shocked. And then out of blue I sprinted out my house I didn’t know where and why, I was just running  aimlessly on a random thoroughfare. My sister is the only one who had altered my tiresome life into  glorious one and she was the only treasure that I have in my life and I couldn’t withstand the pain of  losing her, suddenly a fragile touch of hand grasped my wrist and pulled me back, IT WAS MAYA!!  

“Are you out of your mind, what are you even trying to do…..Maya said” a strong thrust of sob came up  to my throat but I resisted the urge to grieve and turned my head in the opposite direction to hide my  emotions, but it was impossible to hold onto it and involuntary it did come out eventually. I roared out  my weep loudly, loud enough to attract all the attention to me, Maya clutched me firmly close to her  heart to lower down my squeal, I cried and cried and couldn’t stop myself from blabbering out all the  stuff out that had been killing me deeply from inside. Maya took me to her residence and tried to mollify  me but I kept reiterating the same thing over and over, a continuous barrage of conjectural questions  sprayed all over Maya, but on account of my sorrow she inhibited herself to ask any questions,  subsequently an hour later I eased down and again restated the same old story but this time Maya did  respond to me and reminded me of my old gone passion that I had dropped off just to gratify my  parents dream.  

Maya was one of my old classmate, it was our dream to be an entrepreneur but due to constant  oppressions and pressure from my family to continue the league of our family business I ultimately  discharged my long-held ambition but this time I won’t let it go out of my hand, Maya had sparked off  my life-long passion once again and I will let the world know who “Neeraj Arora” is. Promptly without  any further delay Maya and I initiated our discussions, Maya was a cardiology student and I was finance student. I asked Maya "What diseases do people nowadays suffer from the most?" "Mental diseases,"  Maya replied, "Eighty percent of people at present time are mentally ill.” She said, "The speed of our life  has increased. Here nobody walks, but runs. We had started to accomplish the work that could be  completed in a month, in a single day. Anyway, the speed of the mind is always fast. If we connect the  engine of 'speed' to it, it starts running at a thousand times faster speed. Then a moment comes when  the stress of the mind increases and the whole engine breaks down. ... This is the reason due to which  mental diseases have increased." a sudden impulse made a way through my conscious mind “We should  work on cardio problems! I said” as just now Maya had mentioned that how the rate of mental illness  has been reaching its prime time therefore I concluded that we should work on an impulse tracker ring  to monitor any further dangers ,as psychological illness do not come alone it brings all the cons with it. 

All of a sudden I regarded the casement, the darkness had taken all over the blue and that made me  realize I had my parents worried all over for me for my absence which would have caused the  environment of chaos all over the home, I appealed Maya to drop me off at home, instantaneously  Maya picked up her key and asked me to get to the back of her scooty I jumped on back seat at once  and made my way through my home, I supported the weight of my face onto Maya’s back and tried to 


escape the reality that was standing in-front of me like a petrifying monster but it was next to  impossible. On reaching the home, I was feeling nervous whether to go in or not but in spite of all the  fear that had been accumulating in me, I did pave my wave through my home but unanticipatedly it was  empty and without any further delay I went straight into my bedroom and slept like a log there. 

The very next day Maya had introduced me to some of our team members and from then on we  initiated the step toward our goal, while struggling through our journey our team came across the young  shark tank and it was our opportunity to crack our goal. On the day of demonstration of our product I  was all tensed and was drenched in the sweat, the only thing I had with me was my hope that could fall  anytime soon just like the last leaf of autumn, I knew that me and our team has worked ourselves to the  bone but still my heart was pondering very hard, I squinted into the glare of auditorium and just a  heartbeat later my vision went black, when the world brightened again for me I was amazed to see the  trophy next to me.

By Gunni

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