By Asmie
That was the last time I saw you; everything was hazy, without any clue.
Crimson skies, screaming eyes, wistful sighs, sombre replies.
Your ghost smile faced the refuge; could you really spot the blues?
The dazzling glow we brought into being, was it truly liberating and freeing?
I’m just like you – how I drew the drapes of my mind.
The way I never let the cosmos make me blind.
A heavy heart of bleak despair, yet for the first time, everything is clear.
The way the breeze danced across my face – it’s a shame I didn’t see and hear.
You yearn to share the beauty you’re overflowing with – a world of glee and mirth.
You’re my first step, my safe haven, through the wilderness of uncertainty on earth.
The rustling of leaves, the dappled light – are we there yet?
Will this set us free?
The daylight dies, the stars arise, in this twilight soft and sad – will this let me find me?
How it looked, how it felt – nothing seemed better at the end.
The glistening waves, the faint shoreline – the memories will never fade, nor will I.
The coffee eyes gleamed with a subtle, inner light before the twilight beckoned the stars.
I would love to relive the echo, even if it means summoning the scars.
Were we truly there when the golden fields breathed their last?
Were we truly there when the fragile leaves swayed in the past?
Was it the real thing, and not just a dream spawned to life?
Was it the real thing, and not just the way you changed your mind?
The time is here – in the voices of silence and hush.
The time is here – in the discord of dash and rush.
It is the time, it is the moment – where you no longer make me grey.
It is time, it is the moment – here emerges the novel shine, the new day.
I hope you find me in the cacophony of city lives, in the mundane daily drives,
In the howls of mental thieves, and even in the way no one ever perceives.
Your gold-freckled eyes haunt me alive – how do I let go of them?
For yours are the only ones I want to see before the doom
In the light of the last twilight.
By Asmie
🙂pure ❤
Very nice
Amazing 👏
Keep growing