By Kadambari Gupta
The child was a boy aged five who was saved by a young adult from a group of attackers who came,
Running towards that boy with sharp -edged knife with faces covered with black colored masks and
wore dark glasses,
So that there identity remains a secret and for the cops there identification remain a task ,
Boy was handed over to the police soon they threw a basket of questions at the child to know who
he was and why was,
He at the tender age of five being chased by those masked men ,
However there was no response from the child they thought because of fear that was visible on the
face caught him may be,
The vocal chords are silenced and also they realized its been eight hours from the time being
brought to the cop station,
May be he was hungry they offered him milk and biscuit with trembling hands took one piece of
biscuit to have,
Then held the glass of milk in those trembling hands that couldn’t hold the weight of the glass and it
fell down and soon because,
Of the noise of that glass breaking into pieces began crying inconsolably a lady constable was called
to comfort the child and,
Since the child had a few injury marks on the forehead and hand a doctor was called to dress those
wounds with medicine and ointment,
Before they turn into an infection and lead to come complications permanent the doctor told the
police that the child was deaf,
And then they realized why there was no response to the questions being asked they took the
responsibility of care and protection of the child,
As once again the masked men were seen around the police station to finish the story of this child as
he went out when saw no one is there,
What was the story of this child who were those men investigations going on in full speed applause
for that young adult who saved this life and,
Brought him safely to the police station rather than recording the event by switching on his newly
purchased smart phone recording it putting it on online,
For reels and views as threats and danger are for everyone all the time what makes the difference is
how we respond to such events.
By Kadambari Gupta