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Noted Nest


Updated: Oct 4, 2024

By Dr. Yash Minaxi Joshi

I was with a colleague who mentioned me

"Oh he is so curt!"

I moved on with my work without heed

For that colleague was 'hurt'.

Along came a friend and said,

"You look right as rain".

I simply nodded and looked away,

For that friend was 'pain'.

Then I bumped into a stranger who exclaimed,

"Oh! Aren't you a new kind of variety!"

I just smiled and kept on walking,

For that stranger was 'anxiety'.

I came home to my partner who asked,

"Isn't what you have for me obsession?"

I knew the answer but I chose not to,

For that partner was 'depression'.

I kept seeing all these feelings till now,

And now suddenly I'm seeing red.

I have been feeling cold for a while now,

And now suddenly I realize I'm dead.

By Dr. Yash Minaxi Joshi

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