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Noted Nest

Stinging Illusion

Updated: Oct 5, 2024

By Rajreet Kashyap

It was a fine Sunday evening that I finally

realised what exactly had I been looking at

for the past 2 years.

I’d had these visions, for a stare of certain

something that felt like it was devouring

me, taking its pleasant time as it wanted.

It tended to follow me wherever I went,

wherever I looked, it never ceased to get

the slightest out of my visual range.

At some times, it would stare point back at

me. Sending in cold shivers down my spine

so much that it made me forget how to


It had no face, but it stared back, without

any eyes. It had no mouth but the extent of

words it spoke in my mind was beyond

something that could simply be shrugged

off as “frightening “.

At first, I tried the fruitful best to ignore

them. But that too seemed impossible, for

it was marching closer, closer, it kept

getting closer. But it had no definite

appearance. I could not figure out its

features to give it any sort of judgment.

But I kept turning an ignorant shoulder to

it, for I was too invested in things that

weren’t of much importance, but at least

they assisted me quite the lot in ignoring

that certain something, that reduced its

distance every once in a while sand

random- no. No I slowly realised it wasn’t

as random as I had thought.

It crept closer, whenever, I recalled my

actions, my life, with “guilt” lurking

somewhere within that thought.

I am a criminal, I am someone who had

committed severe sins, sins that seem no

more than un-atone able in my sight. I

have stood against society, I had stood

against those that had brought me to this

world. And worst of all, I had betrayed


That, was the biggest sin of all, believe me

or hell if u don’t.

I remember, I had been quite the ignorant

self to my own sins, as well. But it was no

so- until that appeared. Whenever in the

sight of it, the memories crawl into my

mind, rather into my brain, inflicting

physical torment upon my whole head.

Slowly eating away any pleasant sensation

that lived all these years, and leaving

nothing but remorse, remorse, guilt, anger,

and regret. Regret for what I never

understood- for it had never been the

central point of concern- it pained me that


I had, unlike the usual 24 hr, had quite the

appealing day yesterday. Until I crept on

my bed.

Before I even dozed off to the nights sleep,

I saw it. Closer, than it had been the day

before. And so as usual, but rather more

physically alarming than usual, it inflicted

pain and suffering.

I wished i had died that night, but I woke

up to the torment once again in the

morning. Now it wasn’t anything sort of

what should have surprised me, but, quite

ironically, it succeeded in doing so.

Right when I had thought I was used to it ,

it grew stronger, stronger than it had ever

been. No-not only in its strength- but its

presence. Now I could feel it without

seeing it, feel it eat away in my entire

physical body, dwell its teeth deep into my

heart, showing no mercy as it chew it

away, took of with the flesh, and left me

unattainable to any thought, as I lied there,

alive, or deceased, unaware of anything

but that.

I was getting alarmed in one sense

however, that it was near its end. I don’t

know how I stumbled upon such

nonsensical sense(considering the state I

was at, then), but it somehow felt pleasant,

have known the fact that it was to stop-

and that’d be the end of it.

But in those emotions too- lied something

unpleasant. I had this urge. This urge to

start life anew. I couldn’t wait to do so, so I

ignored all that I had in my bucket of tasks

for that day-

I ran everywhere, into every shop, fetching

any item that fascinated me. I added to my

inventory items ranging from mere briny

screws, nails to antique expensive clocks

that were immense in size(I took hold of

them in a local auction that had been going

on since the last week or so

Yes, I was financially secured enough for

such activities, well, the ones that lasted

only a one time period, for that particular

day drained me off almost all my wealth. I

even sold my furniture unknowingly, or it

would be incorrect in saying so, you

suppose, for I was well aware. Well aware

of what i was doing, yet I did not finch a

single second.

I kept on with it- shamelessly to be

precise with defining my foolish actions, if

I may.

The sun settled in, hiding behind the hazy,

quite blurry, clouds that danced their way

out with the sweet red sun as their

acquaintance. The sky turned pale green-

then transitioned to orange. I quite liked

the sight, so I settled in the field where I

had ended up after the hectic day.

The stars began settling in, for the night. It

was clear today- perhaps clearer than it

had ever been.

Right then, I felt its presence, but unlike

my previous interactions with “that”- this

one wasn’t all so unwanted, or uncalled for.

I admired, for an instant, its slow

indulgence into the present moment.

What stood more and worth taking note of


That it was no more closer to me- for it

dwell within me now. I was it, it was me.

And it was then that I came to the, rather

horrible realisation, that the certain

something was nothing but the mere slow

marching of my own death- my own time

of burial. It lured towards me, and finally

took firm grasp of me as it swallowed my

being as a whole.

No, it hadn’t just been something that was

straight of the blue- it had always been

there, right within the corner of my mere

eye. But I was too ignorant— too ignorant

of the sins I had committed, too ignorant

of the gruesome consequences that my

actions carried, too ignorant of what I saw

and too ignorant of what I did.

It had always been there, let it be as a sign

or as mere death- so as it was now. I did

not feel any remorse or guilt, then. For I

had accepted it, but I did feel embarrassed

at myself, shameful, how i had always been

until death took me within her firm hands.

“I lay here now- in the soft grass as I

notice one or two meteors pierce through

the stars every now and then, the stars

rather, stand out more tonight, resembling

tiny shiny pebbles.

Somehow, I don’t feel much regret. Nor do

I have the thought of embarrassment when

I recall the framework of how my life had

been- because I am a man at the end. And

all men are foolish, irrespective of how one

might view oneself as. It is embodied in

our nature- to grieve, feel saddened as a

result of our own actions, after we have

committed them. They carry a sense of

humour as I think of them.”

Right then- my heart starts to ache. I

rather say, a pleasant ache- the kind of

ache that you simply cannot reject. The

kind of ache that slowly eats me away- as I

close my eyelids- feeling the collision

amongst each other- it feels calm, as

though you’re lying on a cloud- a rather

puffy one. But it’s not up in the sky,

instead, it’s beneath the water. And you

are simply submersing in it.

It takes you in- takes you whole, accepts

you in a way no had ever done, as you

dwell into the darkness— the type of

darkness that isn’t, really, dark. The form

of darkness that does not, at all, resemble


By Rajreet Kashyap

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