By Ruhani Kothari
Thoughts and memories rushing through my mind,
Not sure if I should cry,
My throat choked, unable to speak,
Tears continuously streaming down my cheeks
I’m sad, full of grief, I’m angry,
Awaiting the devastating end…
Oh! Lord what ways you have
To teach me when I’m wrong;
Oh! Mighty Lord please help me,
Please guide me through the dark.
I’m already failing in life,
Show me the way to see the light
So I can succeed
And live a joyful life…
I pray to you to help me win;
I pray to you to forgive my sin.
To become undefeated by any other,
To be the one that needs no other,
Its hard to express my gratitude before you,
The least I can to is worship you….
By Ruhani Kothari