By Sagarika SV
I like to deal with things on my own,
My thoughts, my feelings, to no one
ever known.
That doesn't mean I am lonely,
I just like being alone.
Everyday I learn gratitude,
I value things easily missed,
All this wisdom comes from solitude.
They call me an outcast,
Is that the word for someone who
doesn't like crowds?
For some of us do not like to fit in,
We like being away, in our own
That does not mean we are broken or
need repairs,
Just that unlike you,
We do not come in pairs.
A world of our own,
We are often asked to leave it,
Often asked to jump out of our
comfort zone,
But we wish you would understand,
That we get things done,
We are pretty good at that,
Even while staying in our dome.
And when required we do jump out,
We scream, we dance, we shout.
But we need to be prepared,
We need to be sorted out.
Spontaneous doesn't work for us,
Call it overthinking, call it boring,
We are happy to be uncool,
For not being true to oneself,
Can prove to be hazardous.
And yet the kindest person in town,
If you need our help we'll never frown.
Just that we know boundaries,
An act of self-preservation,
Alien concept to people pleasers,
And apparently a contradiction to
society's formalities.
And I like to deal with things on my
Doesn't mean I don't have people to
love me,
Doesn't mean I don't have a circle of
my own.
I just like to keep it small,
Just like to be minimal,
I am not someone made of stone.
By Sagarika SV