By Ravi Ranganathan
She and I; We resorted to silence again
We do this whenever we are not in sync
Now, again we revert to our usual quietude
I know as much as she always does
That silence is not always the bridge
Would we break the shackles this time?
The dark blue waters of the deep river
Draws our grateful gaze this twilight time
We slip inexorably into a profound reverie.
As if this trail of our meditation is closing in
I raise my head and address a questioning word
To my beloved companion, my partner in life.
For a while, I think she does not hears me.
She continues to stare across the river
Which reflects the last red rays of sunset.
As the twilight hour beats a benign retreat
We watch the great orb diffusing fading colour
Before making its rapid disappearance from the sky.
This stillness in peace is indescribable.
All nature, dumb at the lovely sight
Seems to have come to a momentary rest.
My heart drinks in the superb peace.
Once more I glance expectantly at her.
Her figure now wrapped in the shroud of fast gathering dusk.
We continue to sit quietly , in dead silence
Until the sun slips suddenly into black night.
She then rises and quietly leads me , holding my hand
Our walk terminates in clearing the hiatus
Our minds glimmer in thousand points of light.
In such peace do we get ready for the next round!
By Ravi Ranganathan