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Noted Nest

By Shashwat Thakur

Your eyes spoke in secrecy

And I noticed the nuances

Of your love in its entirety.

The wind of sudden change

Blew away my serenity

And made me fall for you.

Waves of your young love

Washed over me swiftly

And I was drenched in love.

My serenity deserted me

While love found its way

And the flow of water

Starkly reminded me 

Of the sudden turbulence

In your subtle emotions!

The moonlit night gave me a sign-

Love was in concordance with

The stars that ruled the night.

They symbolized your fidelity;

Languishing in uncertainty no more,

I rose again to finally be free-

Free to love and free to sing

About how much I yearned 

For the love that you brought.

You walked in so nonchalantly

But brought in such strong love

That can never be obliterated.

You filled me with dynamism

As you gradually stole my serenity

And I, I only want your love for eternity!

By Shashwat Thakur

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