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Noted Nest

Updated: Oct 5, 2024

By Saqib Sheikh

It is hard to believe,

That we are not together,

All I can do now is grieve,

Regretting promises about forever,

Everything in life wants to deceive,

We avoid thinking about eachother,

Love that we loved we won't receive,

Living with this pain will surely bother,

Together novelty we can't perceive,

Things won't be the same way they were.

Your face won't be the most beautiful,

I'll not recall you for happiness but pain,

We won't wait for each other like usual,

Feels like all the efforts were in vain,

I'll suppress hope as it feels unsuitable,

This anguish I'll alone have to contain,

Life will feel like a curse so painful,

Forcibly smiling for the world to sustain,

My mind has a storm with heavy snowfall,

And I'll have to walk all over this again.

By Saqib Sheikh

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