By Kadambari Gupta
A thought crosses this mind today is that it’s the wishes that
a person has in his heart that keep the person alive.
Isn’t it they keep the person running with his shoes on to
fulfill that particular wish’,
He has in mind wishes grow from the heart and soul however
can wishes be scary,
Why and how when wishes are to have someone in your life
whose reach is beyond your capacity,
To engage in relations and acts that can scar a person forever
to celebrate another persons downfall,
And smile when he cries in every word uttered from your
mouth through the vocal chords and lips,
Blurts only lies and evil thoughts such wishes are scary there
nature and degree although ,may vary,
Who would like to have reptiles and snakes on there plates
as exotic dishes heart beats faster,
When one thinks of scary wishes as wishes that are full of
threat and scare make a person,
Commit an act that causes others to suffer for life you may
have done an act against the law,
Harass or murdered a persons husband or wife to give a
closure to those scary wishes that keep,
Knocking your head each time and make you a devil in other
peoples eyes,
Remorse is never felt in those eyes as it was just wish
fulfillment is an answer given when an explanation is asked,
Why you commit such an act a blunder that caused even the
sun to thunder wishes scary to a huge degree vary in there
From mild moderate severe and profound they commit the
act so peacefully there footsteps too don’t make any sound,
There footsteps too don’t make any sound the intentions
make person a human or criminal when the wishes take an,
Ugly turn wishes take an ugly turn.
By Kadambari Gupta