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Red Lipstick

Noted Nest

By Manasvi Sonawane

Why are my lips painted bold

Make you so cold

Your show of display dented by my play 

The singer continues symphonies 

Just like the rhymes of your false ego and poweries..

Why is my strength a sore spot 

you've got?

The more I lean in close

The more your bars grows

I am no one's possession and not a flimsy playsthing.

What are my clothes short for a young springling?

When it is your eyes that see fault in mine.

Man you are stupid and lame 

To earn respect and be freed 

I must ease your sore vanity

My painted lips must be erased for–

 Your self esteem to be embraced.

My body is my choice 

In your world women have no voice

For independent men you made the rules 

and made us fools 

Suffocated our liberty,

forced us to stay in place otherwise 

consequences will be faced.

Question for our efforts, pressured and burdened 

While we scream questions of WHY

Yet you dare answer,

Cause’ We are women.

Besides our flesh we are nothing 

A fleeting moment not meaning to last 

If you disdain,

Then please explain 

A beauty with brain the only sky 

But no clouds of a handsome  with his rakes?

Are you gaslighting me?

My lipstick ain't the problem it you who made me do it, erase my my truthhood for people like you

Dear God see these men's unworthy spikes

I am your child, broken but strong.

The world's greatest pain is where we bold 

A period cramp hurts as much as a heart attack.

Not weak, just a different track 

No men never listen , gossiping in jest

“Let's start World War 3!” They suggest.

‘I am not just a red lipstick’ I cry

But that doesn't mean I must comply.

Erase my liberty, what a shame 

You cannot do what a pint of me can 

The world's faults are to be blamed.

I am women,a child of God 

And that doesn't give you the liberty to erase my resolve 

I am not just a red lipstick.

By Manasvi Sonawane

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