By Jyotirmoy Garain
24° 5' 7"—entry of a quantum gate,
It’s 24° 5' 9"—to set its state.
Rumbling machines thudded, black silhouette’s net,
“Sia, can you hear me? Where are you?” “I’m in your state.”
Once gone, can one ever return?—the prophecy’s fate.
Quantum realms—impossible to imagine,
This research unveils the spark of life’s origin.
Do you believe in the fate of a new sun’s shine,
Where no jeopardy exists, no bounds confine?
Global warming rimming the world in fumes,
This experiment will be a boon or Earth's doom.
“Hey honey, our belief held the quantum rooms,”
Machines’ electric sparks, her hands' glooms.
An uncertainty storm summoned her—a mechanical tomb.
“Sia.” In a moment, she disappeared in time's endless zoom.
Is this our last night,
Or the beginning in my sight?
She pursed her lips, her hair pulled tight,
Each breath ignited pleasure’s height.
She cuddled in each complex love bite.
The experiment rebuilt to take her back,
The gate opened, but she never stepped on the track.
Every day—a last chance to believe, to accept.
Her sudden voice wavered, the direction inept.
The old Sia stood there—with a sparkling intercept.
Her watery eyes bring the prophecy inset.
“Yes, we can still save the world,” she softly wept.
By Jyotirmoy Garain
Selection of words
Way of expression
Keep it up !
Outstanding 🩷
Good work