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Petals of Fire

Noted Nest

By Anushmita Ghatak

Outskirts of my integument

smoulder the petals into cinder,

Supple petals of my benevolence

fall to the alluring fiend within me.

Torment of visceral plumule

annihilate the teeny creation,

Conflagration within my passion

elucidate affliction of the slaughter of existing soul.

Blazing reins coil my budding pollens

Sheathe the stigma with burning petals,

Remains clinker of brick-black souvenir

Judging the fire court of only ashes and impressions.

Tears to the pollens in my ovary

oblate as its treasured petal,

Submerging those flamed petals

with tranquillity of sentiments metalled.

By Anushmita Ghatak

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