By Sonchhatra Rishit
O traveler! Just be natural , just be you,
As every day, the start is fresh and new,
I know that the road ahead is a bit ambiguous with hurdles
and obstacles few,
But hey! You aren't the only one standing in the queue.
Patience and hard work always go hand in hand,
As they are the saviors even in no men's land.
It demands time to accomplish something grand,
So pour in the effort and keep hustling my friend!
Not on all days will you get to see light,
Darkness might also sometimes come in sight,
Sunshine will surely drop anchor after the night,
Just be adamant about getting the things right.
Your confidence would certainly win out,
Your temperament would make you achieve something
stand out,
Let consistency do the talking, day in day out,
Because if not today, then tomorrow, but the best will come
without a doubt......
By Sonchhatra Rishit
Love the optimism portrayed in the words.