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Nature ‘s Beauty

Noted Nest

By Shalini Ramasubbu

Oh! my lovely blossom beauty, 

a glorious flower; 

Being a reason for another soul 

to smile and wake. 

I am truly blessed to see mother's 

priceless expression that you carry. 

You bloom into a fabulous flower with a contentment and stand up tall with all humility and confidence !!!! 

My best secret keeper, soul friend, great solace, 

constant companion in all joy and sorrow throughout my life journey. 

I thank the creator for the wonderful creation  

every time I look upon you and 

my heart naturally grows bigger and bigger  

and become more generous !!!! 

Oh My sweet love!! My sweet soul, 

I relate you to a mother who gives an unconditional love,  an endless giver of delicious, sweet nectar in the abundance  for the bees, birds, insects, beetles, flies, animals, pollinators and expects nothing in return. 

My deep heartfelt admiration for this natural affinity  that you possess towards nature. 

With of all vibrant colors, differing in size, 

fresh fragrance she attracts many yet when plucked  or hurt she just smiles and reciprocates the same love  and happiness to others by being a great forgiver !! 

Oh my Lord!!!! For a moment, grant me a boon? 

I just want to be a flower,  

a short and sweet lived great queen 

and win over many hearts who crosses my path. 

And then, she taught me the most heart touching lesson.  

when her petals are crushed, tamped down underfoot,  

still the fragrance emanated from her remains the same even after she is gone.  One must live and leave behind the memories  

by our great deeds and touch millions of lives !!! 

Just a word of most humble sorted thanks is not enough to the almighty!! I bow down myself to the motherland 

with an immense gratitude for the most adorable divine creation !! So proud to have an angel in my life so called "Flowers”!!

By Shalini Ramasubbu

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Jun 25, 2024

Nice lines


M Matos
Jun 24, 2024

Invokes beautiful calming images in my mind. Well done!


Rajiii M
Rajiii M
Jun 24, 2024

Nice lines...


Jun 24, 2024

Young poets lines are very beautiful


Wonderful presented 👌👌

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