By Annika Somani
My life would never have been the same had my older sister not been in it. Having her in my
life is a blessing and without her my life would be incomplete.
When we given the task to write a descriptive essay on any one person in our life, who
means the world to us , my choice was instant. I found myself thinking do I have a choice?
Do I even have an option? I have decided that my sister is my HERO , my ROLE MODEL
and will always be. If I had to symbolize the words 'love' and 'safe space' then I would
definitely chose my sister - The light that always guides me. My sister is my whole world. My
hero inspires me to follow my dreams and never give up. I look up to her a lot and the fact
that I'm in the same school 'J.B. petit High School for Girls' as she was in before she shifted
schools and a proud Jasmenite like she was means a lot to me.
I overhear girls of my age discuss their sisters with no love and I feel sad for them, but then I
thank God for giving me this amazing, wonderful , kind and caring sister. I can't think of life
without my Hero Sister who has taught me a lot. She is the first person I message when I
achieve something and when I need someone to talk to.
Everyone has someone they look up to and what to be like when they grow up and everyone
has a different opinion on who a true hero is. Mine is my sister Avishi Jalan. She is my most
favourite person in the entire world because she's always there when I need her the most. I
have absolutely no idea where I would be without her. She is a major blessing in my life and
I am forever thankful to have her. There is not a single person in the entire universe who
could compare to her. She is the most loving and genuine person I know and that's why
she's my hero.
So to me a hero is a person who you can always rely on no matter what; even when times
get tough. My hero - my sister has never left my side and I know that she will always be
I don't know anyone as strong,determined at the same time caring and kind hearted as her. I
have a perfect relationship with her and eagerly wait for her to come back home. I miss her
every single day, at the same time , feel happy that she got the job she wanted. Every single
picture that I have with her is printed and stored in my box of memories and every single
time someone says that I will have to let go because she is going to get married eventually, I
can't hold back my tears. The mere thought of loosing her makes me sob. Additionally,
hearing her upset or in pain breaks me into tiny pieces and shreds.
My sister is not only my hero and my inspiration not only because of what I learn from her
but also because I know that I can tell her anything and everything. She is not only a hero to
me but also to many other people. She is an amazing person and I hope to be just like her.
My ROLE MODEL has this amazing quality and every time I'm next to her I feel like I'm on
top of the world. No words can ever express the love I have for her and how blessed I am to
have such an amazing sister. She has always been by my side and I know that she will
continue to do so. Nothing will ever compare to how deeply she had impacted my life. I love
MY SISTER - MY INSPIRATION more than I can ever say.
By Annika Somani
Lovely tribute to your sister!
Being a role model , is the most powerful form of educating. The importance of your sister is nuanced in every word. Well Done
So well expressed! ❤️
So true. Nothing beats sibling love.
Nothing beats sibling love. So well written Annika