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My Mother - Hero Supreme

Noted Nest

Updated: Oct 4, 2024

By Annika Somani

Dynamites come in small packages and that dynamite is my mother Divya Somani – My Hero. This

dynamite explodes at exactly 6:30 am and is all over our home. She runs between my bedroom, her

bedroom, the kitchen and the living room. My hero's voice in the morning fluctuates between love,

anger, irritation, expectations and humour. I just sit on my bed, and I wonder if my hero is real or a

Robot. I start my day just with a smile taking in my hero and her crazy love for us.

When we are assigned a task to write about our HERO, my choice was instant as I thought - Do I have

a choice, do I have an option? I have decided that my hero is my mother and will always be. If I have

to symbolize love, then I would choose my mother- my hero supreme. My mother is my whole world.

My hero has been exposed to the world from a very young age. My mother became who she is today

because of her parents who pushed her out into the world. My hero became a Tiger Mom because of

her exposure as a student. She gained her sensitivity and knowledge from Fort Convent High School

and got even smarter as she studied hard in H.R.College, Mumbai.

I overhear children of my age discuss their moms with no love and respect and I feel sad for them but

I then say Thank you God you love us so much you gave us this dynamite to explode into our lives. I

cannot think of life without my Hero Mom. She lives and breathes only for us. Directing us, guiding

us, feeding us (force-feeding most times), dressing us up, making sure we don’t look wild and crazy.

My mom gives us Gyan (words of wisdom), night and day and now I am helping my mom raise my

younger brother with the same Gyan. Mom told me one day, “ Annika you are my good student”, to

be appreciated by your hero is such a big thing, it is like getting the Oscars.

Everyone has someone they look up to and want to be just like one day and everyone has different

opinions and who a true hero is. My hero is my mother, Divya Somani. My mom is my favourite

person in the world because she is always there when I need her the most and I don’t know where I

would be today without her. She has blessed me with a great life and I am forever thankful for all she

does for me. Nobody could ever compare to my mother. She is the most caring, loving, and genuine

person I know and that is why she is my hero.

So to me, A hero is a person that is there for you no matter what; they will always be by your side

even if times do get tough. My hero - mom has never left my side, and I know she will always be

there for me whether I am upset and crying or I am celebrating a new accomplishment in my life.

I seriously do not know someone as selfless as my hero. How is it possible to always put my brother

and me first in her life and never crib or get tired? I am such a Diva sometimes, I do not know how

my Hero puts up with me is not easy, even I get tired of myself but not my hero, I am moody,

stubborn and a monster at times. Somedays I think I know everything and I love the way my mom

gently puts me in place and shows me the light. My mother and I have the perfect relationship.

Although we get into arguments and disagree on some things, no matter how big a fight we get into,

we always make up by the end of the day because we both know we cannot live without each other.

One of the many great traits my mom – my hero has is that she is strong. This past year during my

exams my maternal grandmother went into hospital for stomach blockage. Being a daughter and a

mother both she had to fulfil her duties to us and her mother. She juggled her hospital and home

responsibilities with ease and made sure we were all comfortable. Mom made sure I stayed focused

on my studies and that I get some time with her too - she arranged classes through zoom for me so

that my studies would not fall back and I would still hold my position as a class topper. Due to all of

these extra classes, I not only aced my exams but also came in the top 10 in all my subjects. To date, I

hold my position as a class topper due to this experience and I am no longer dependent on my

mother to finish my studies. That is how good a hero she is – My Hero helps me to help myself.

My mother is my hero not only because of what she offers me and gives back to me but she is a hero

to many people outside our home too, she is a great wife, mother and friend. All the qualities she

has as a person I hope one day and I become a HERO like my mom. My Hero has this great quality

and makes me feel like the most important person in the world because I know she would do

anything for me in a heartbeat if I was in need or hurt. Words cannot even express the love I have for

her and how blessed I am to have such an amazing mother. She constantly teaches me to love and

respect myself and all the people around me. My mother has always said that you should do

whatever makes you happy and be the best person you can be. She is my hero for more than just a

few reasons. She has been by my side for 12 years now and I know there are many more to come.

Nothing will ever compare to how deeply she has impacted my life. I am what I am because of MY


By Annika Somani

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Tejal Shah
Tejal Shah
Jul 15, 2024

Eventhough you have written this poem in a humorous way but it has an underlying meaning that shows your hero is indeed a hero.


Gautami Budhdev
Gautami Budhdev
Jul 14, 2024

Heartfelt!! This depicts the deep bond you share with your mom.


Prachi Agarwal
Prachi Agarwal
Jun 25, 2024

Beautifully put :). Loved the humour in "This

dynamite explodes at exactly 6:30 am and is all over our home."


Unknown member
Jun 25, 2024

I think that every Mom is going to want a tribute like this. Like some already mentioned , my favourite line too is:

My hero's voice fluctuates between love, anger, irritation, expectations and humour.


Kripa Manek
Kripa Manek
Jun 25, 2024

Very nice work! Keep it up! ❤️

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