By Araina Soni

The year 2024, Srinagar
Heer gazed at the orange sky. The clouds hovering with the sun and the immense lake against the magnificent backdrop of Himalayas stretching as far back as the eye could see.
‘Heer… Beta Heer… come inside it's snowy outside. You may enjoy the vista from the window.’
‘But Dadi, I want to see the sunset from here. See, it’s wonderful!’ she replied. ‘If you come in now, then I will tell you a story. Don’t you like it?’ said her grandmother as she curled her lips. Heer came running back from the little terrace.
‘“Dadi, what is the story about?”Heer lit up with excitement. Her grandmother smiled at the memory of a cheerful past that had been overwhelmed by the angst of the present. ‘Well… it is the story of the beautiful and brave India I have known.’
“Is it different from my Hindustan, The India I have known?” Heer asked.
“Of Course it is Puttar ji! Because the same story has the same characters but different versions. Well it’s not just you, that makes a difference, It’s the world's perspective too. And the only thing that is constant all along is that it keeps on changing.”Heer was lost between the words but eager to ponder some more.
“When the British arrived in India in the 1700s, they emerged as traders rather than invaders, but greed makes us wild and blind. British rule was established through a combination of military power and agreement with Indian rulers. The British rulers left grave, inhumane and severe scars behind”
‘Scars remind us of the struggles,
Scars remind us that our past is more than a dusty old library;
It is the reality and fate that we battled and triumphed over.
Emerging stronger and better than we were before.’ She continued
‘Gandhiji and other nationalists continued to necessitate independence for India throughout. In 1947, a portion of the society began rioting, claiming that an undivided India was no longer possible and, on August 14, 1947 Pakistan was declared as a separate nation led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
At the stroke of midnight on 15th August, India was declared independent too.’ A tear of pride rolled down gently with a gleam of chauvinism in her voice, she concluded. Heer took her own time to digest the struggles and emotions the story hid inside it.
Heer whispered in a soft voice, eyes on her grandma, “We cherish to remember the day we became a free nation even after many decades. India gained independence, thanks to great leaders like Gandhiji who propagated the weapon of Ahimsa and made the sun set on the great British empire!”
A voice behind her lit up suddenly, “There is so much to being an Indian that one can never be proud enough. The variety in languages, cultures, lifestyles, cuisines, climatic conditions, scenic beauty, architecture, traditions… Moreover the concept of
वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् | It is not only our great achievers, in fields more than many, but also the common people that strive to make it better, day by day.’ She turned around, only to find her mother seated behind herself, her eyes shining with pride.
‘Mommy! Grandma taught me that each of us has a unique tale to tell. What is the story of Your India?’ Heer exclaimed as the thrill of a new tale washed over her.
‘ That's my girl! I sure have a story too. It is about the New India I have known… My India… The Hindustan I have seen…’
‘ 'My India has been dynamic, growing, courageous, proud, industrious, engaging, superpower, beautiful, and healing.It has built a modern economy, remained a democracy, lifted millions out of poverty, become a space and nuclear power, fought one of the century's deadliest viruses, built technologies, innovated, remained inspiring and received inspiration, stayed kind, tackled a slew of issues and planned for the future, held strong, generous and giving and remained humble and intelligent.’
‘During difficult times, I've witnessed my country bring back old lessons, learnings, and memories from our culture. I've seen it inspire people all across the world in a range of aspects. Do you know Heer? India has supplied vaccines to 95 countries during the recent pandemic! My India is not only self-sufficient but also a saviour for the rest of the world. My India is the global India. My nation's culture is rooted in its geography and economy. You see…’
‘The people who drink water in Bengal come from the Himalayas’ ‘The people who experience rainfall in Mumbai are the clouds, which are coming from Gujrat’ ‘And we have the 2nd largest network of roads in the world, thanks to the 3% tax payers of this country….’
‘Remember the URI attack Heer? We fought bravely and gave a jaw dropping response to the terrorists out there!’
With tremendous passion and enthusiasm, her mother said. ‘Everybody has been looking at Bharat as if never before. Do you know why?’
‘’क्योंकि यह नया भारत है, यह घुसेगा भी और मारेगा भी‘’
‘Heer I want you to know this because you are the future of our nation. You will take it to new heights. You have the power to change, to make it better! Our nation still has many problems, which the children of India will solve. I am sure, the youth will make their beautiful land flourish and shine in success.’
In awe and wonder, Heer continued to stare at her mother. It was the time for her to go to bed, and as she climbed onto her bed, she couldn't help but wonder how her India looked.
She spoke quietly to herself, not wanting to wake up her grandma, who was sleeping next to her. 'Whatever my India appears to be, the core remains... I feel proud to be an Indian citizen.
She recalled a poem by Rabindranath Tagore and sang along inside her head.
"Where the mind is without fear
and the head is held high……………….
By Araina Soni
this is amazing❤🔥
The plot, the setting, the characterisation fits perfectly with the true emotions of patriotism. Love the depth and creativity. Indeed inspiring.