By Komal Aandhiwal
‘Makaan hai’
Every battered sigh scoffs at the sight of the place you call home.
‘Masaan hai’
You overhear a voice in your head whisper it to another
Where was the lie?
Every place on earth is a graveyard
if you think hard enough.
1. The eyes, a crematorium of tattered
rag dressed dreams, victims of a cold-blooded murder.
2. The nerves of a woman, a cemetery of hushed revolutions,
killed before they could ever take birth.
3. The heart, a rave party of corpses,
dancing to cacophonies. Silence, being the loudest of them.
4. This poem, is a black coffin shroud
over your sanity, set on a slow deadly fire,
5. Gogh's yellow paint, the deadly colour of delight.
The sunflowers he painted with them
were condolences strewn across his sadly doomed life.
6. The sea, that gulped down Icarus.
the sun and Daedalus, still trying to bury their grief.
7. In the abyss, a eulogy is sung,
except it is one that celebr-
this poem was slit at its throat before it could say its final goodbye.
By Komal Aandhiwal
The ending🤌😭