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Noted Nest

Updated: Oct 4, 2024

By Reena Virk Saluja

It was Friday morning - a bright sunny morning. My father, who had gone out of the city for almost a month, had just arrived. He brought with him small gifts for me but my eyes were glued to the big box which he carried through the room since his arrival. Suddenly something seemed to stir inside the box and I heard ‘small, squeaky sounds.’ I looked at my father with curious eyes. He just smiled and began opening the mysterious box. I become more anxious and tried to figure out what could it possibly be when suddenly to my surprise and joy, out jumped a cute, black pup and began darting to and fro. The one and half months old German Shepherd seemed to be quiet perplexed at first but slowly became acquainted with its meagre surroundings. After examining the house for a while, he decided to settle down in one corner of my room. My happiness knew no bounds  as I tried to take in the picture of my newly -arrived black pet with its straight, pointed ears, big shining eyes projecting a mischievous look and a tiny curly tail that would soon learn to wag at the Master’s call. Now I began looking forward to those times, when I would be teaching my pet quite a few things including basic etiquettes and he would walk by my side. In the next couple of days that followed, I made myself busy in giving a healthy nutritious diet to the cute animal.


 In just about a tenure of two weeks, the signs of a healthy growth came into sight as Marshall became more and more attached to me. The substantial increase in the weight, the slight growing of the paws and the change in the colour of rich black coat to shades of light golden patches made the Alsatian look bigger since its arrival. No wonder that this large breed of dog with a wolf like appearance is generally the first and the foremost choice for detective jobs anywhere owing to its ferocious nature and enormous intelligence. 

In no time Marshall, who just a few days ago, was nowhere in the picture, was now staying with me as amicably as ever, Marshall was a doting pet. In fact, he never liked to sit alone or idle and so when he was left all alone, he would try to attract my attention by making strange funny sounds or chewing the cupboard’s leg. His fawning often amused me and made me laugh which eventually seemed to make him look satisfied on the achievement of his goal. I also bought for him his favourite bite, “dog-chew” which unfortunately did not even last 2 days! Such was the tearing capacity of the pup that I often wondered what it would be once he was a full grown dog. 

On one occasion I remember scolding him very badly (the reason being that one of my slippers was consumed by him). I did not talk to him the whole day although he made several attempts for the ‘patch up’. But deep down in my heart I was feeling utterly resented for doing such a thing that I could not eat a single morsel. Finally, at night I could not control myself so I went near him quietly and stood looking at him. But when I looked into his loving eyes and the cute face I immediately forgot my anger and smiled. I stroked his hair and he joyfully placed his paws in my lap with his tail wagging at such a speed that at one stage it appeared that the tiny black thing would really come off! The news of the arrival of Marshall had spread like fire in my neighbourhood. During our walks in evening, we would have lots of fun. It really made me feel proud whenever anyone stopped and praised my pet. I sincerely wished that Marshall would just grow big as soon as possible. But it seemed that my wish was to remain an unfulfilled one - not for some time but forever…. ………

Marshall died on the 28th day

Three days before his death, Marshall felt sick. The veterinary diagnosed it as acute diarrhoea due to intestinal infection (gastroenteritis). I had to force the sick animal to gulp in a few drops of glucose mixed with medicines. ( Although I hated to make him suffer like that). Three days and three nights saw me on my feet running to doctors and hospital with my family. Drugs after drugs were changed but all failed. On the last day, Marshall completely stopped responding to any treatment or medicine. He just lay for hours together –no whimpering noise, no chewing of objects, no play. Whenever I called out ‘Marshall’, he would simply look into my face with such a questioning look in his eyes that would make it even more difficult for me to hold back my tears. Although the animal could not convey verbally, but his eyes said it all, I can never forget that look of unconditional love in Marshall’s eyes, that feeling of attachment in those innocent eyes. In fact it occurred to me at that stage how much more loving and faithful your pet grows to be, sometimes even greater than fellow beings that even the slightest thought of parting away with it can cause immense sorrow, leave alone the everlasting pain of losing him forever. 

Towards evening, his condition worsened. The doctor said that it was his last stage. But hope, as they say, is the last thing ever lost. So I sat near him with a heavy heart and cried, “Marshall, don’t leave me……I love you.” He looked at me for some time as if he wanted to tell me something, then quietly and slowly placed one of his paws in my hand. Tears rolled down my cheeks and on to his face. But that time, Marshall probably breathed his last. His body did not move. His paw was cold in my hand.  I cried. For the last time, I stroked his fur as I saw him resting peacefully. His sufferings had ended.

 Time is a good healer, it is said, but in my case, it will take to be a very, very long time before I would be able to get over the untimely death of my young pet. The little pet had endured his illness with great fortitude. Marshall came, played with me and went away forever leaving behind the everlasting memories of those golden days and special bond that would always be a source of great joy and pleasure to me.

By Reena Virk Saluja

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