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Noted Nest

Love You?

Updated: Oct 4, 2024

By Dr. Yash Minaxi Joshi

I don't love you,

But my limbs don't know that

And want to reach up to your presence

As you stand around with your arms open wide

And hold you tightly.

I don't love you,

But my lips don't know that

And want to hold your lips in embrace

At the corners at the end of the street,

In cinemas in front of a bright movie screen

In parks, full of children and their parents

In all the places people deem weird 

And in all those which we feel like it.

I don't love you,

But my mind doesn't know that

And wants to imagine all the scenarios

Where we are together,

Laying in each other's arms

And have dozed off in a way 

That seems weird to other people

On the couch of your flat

Which you rented just to stay close to my place.

I don't love you,

But my heart doesn't know that

And wants to beat

To the rhythm your steps make

When you dance across the room

In your pink flip-flops.

I don't love you,

But my soul doesn't know that

And wants to be the other half of yours

On days when we lay silently

On the grass in places devoid of light

And far from city light.

I don't love you,

But I think I'm beginning to.

By Dr. Yash Minaxi Joshi

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