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Letter To Self

Noted Nest

Updated: Oct 2, 2024

By Ruma Chakraborty

Hey there, spring chicken!

As you stand wondering what the Dickens,

Is this mess all about?

I look back over my shoulder

At you, stuck at a hurdle or boulder

And let off some advice in a flurry

To you impatient to grow, in a hurry.

Forgive and forget

All taunts that haunt

Belittling barbs with rapier points

Self-loathing over real/ imagined flaws

Desiring features against Nature’s laws.

It’s okay to have pimply, pitted skin

Equally okay to have girth, not be thin

To be awkward, gawky, socially inept

To lose sleep or have copiously wept

Over people who pretended to love

But without explanation, left.

You’ll grow a hide, resilient and strong

Be a better version of yourself 

but don’t get me wrong

It will all fall in place

Sometimes with struggles, other times 

with grace!

So, enjoy, revel in this roller-coaster ride

Be your best friend, love yourself and turn the tide.

By Ruma Chakraborty

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