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Noted Nest

Integral Health

By Saranya Nayak

A traveller starts its journey

from the house of dark inanimate

towards the vast ocean of delight

In the car of human incarnate.

This body is the framework of that car

Vital energies are the fuel.

Psychic-being is the traveller,

Travels to achieve a priceless jewel.

Then mind sets a spider web,

a GPS system for the guidance.

All human beings should follow that way

With a lot of patience and perseverance.

The domain of our physical health

is constructed by many atoms and molecules.

And guided by the forces of

all natural and psychological wills.

A good health can be built up

by opening to the forces of harmony.

It can be well nourished

by taking a drop of spiritual honey.

The act of conscious exercises

makes the body strong and best.

6 to 7 hours sleep in quietude

sets a balance between work and rest.

The prime duty of all being is to

be careful for this wealth priceless.

And to make it eligible for the

great race of evolutionary fitness.

All adverse and unfavorable conditions

arrive here to give a message

please be aware and continue to progress

Otherwise go in a devastating passage.

This is the call of time

as a gesture of this pandemic

Be more strong mentally and physically

by following the words of psychic.

Let all be happy

Let all be healthy

Let all experience auspiciousness

Let no one be overwhelmed by grief.

This attitude of all being

Can make this journey so pleasant.

In every steps of life

and gift us the eternal luminescent.

By Saranya Nayak

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