By Barshita Das
A journey of a fairy starts with the mother's womb which she embellishes as the paradise that has ever existed. Her heart forms inside that little space which beats with the symphony of mother's breath. But what an irony of this society that a female is not allowed to carry a female inside her? Still in some parts of our country as well as other parts of the world, female foeticide is a tradition to get rid of the burden of having a girl child. Where the birth of a boy is a victory to them, the birth of a daughter pinches every point of their existence. And the melancholy draws from the fact that females are held responsible for the unwanted gender birth. One who is educated enough knows that it's the father whose cells decide the gender of the baby.
But can we really blame the people who refuses to accept a girl child heartily? The customs which are prevailing in our society since time immemorial has only deprived the woman from their basic human rights. In this highly competitive world where for earning a single penny, one has to sweat out everything, spending bucks for the comfort of someone else is a dream which only a saint can preach.
A girl when born, parents' first thought that starts lingering is the money they have to spend to get their child married in a well known family. Now a days, the more well established the groom is, the bigger the dowry amount they charge from the bride's family. Dowry is nothing but a price tag of their man to accept your girl. So when having a daughter makes you lose money and having a son will make you earn so much more, then why would anyone choose the former being? This is the narrow mindset which works in many parts of our country which unfortunately the modernity of 21st century even couldn't abolish completely.
And the icing on the cake which acts as an excuse to abandon woman is that they have to be kept on close eye always to protect them from the dangers. In every coming day we hear the news of a woman getting raped and thrown to any drainage system, or burnt to death or a woman who survived acid attack, who now makes herself blind before facing the mirror. Instead of punishing the culprit for this henious crime, a woman is blamed for her late night entry to home, for her dressing style and what not. It is the woman with whom disaster has happened but still her respect is made to wear a veil which got stained. The society never takes the backseat from taunting, insulting the family who have done nothing wrong, instead only became the victim of the situation. So why will anyone want a girl child in their family for whom they have to be in a constant alert to keep them safe otherwise their reputation will be at stake?
As all over the world, it is said that awareness should be spread about woman empowerment to stop female foeticide, I say, before spreading awareness about that we should stop the activities which stop them to bear a girl child. When no female suppressing activities will be tolerated in the world, people will not fear to celebrate the birth of a daughter.
Our India is known as Bharat Mata which is designated as the Goddess of giving life. We spend our entire life in the womb of Bharat mata. Durga maa who is known to destroy every evil with her devine power of existence, so in a country where females are worshipped everywhere, will the atrocities to their human form be ever accepted by the supreme power? Will the blessings ever reach our soul for this hypocrisy? If a girl cannot designate her home as the castle where she will be admired as the princess, then how come will the place where Devi maa is worshipped will be considered as temple?
By Barshita Das