By Ambika Sah
I thought l knew love.
I thought, I knew love, when I cried after you left in 2nd grade or
when we fought in 5th grade or when I met my best friend in th
grade. I thougnt l knew love, when a stranger asked me out, in lth
grade or I thought I knew love when two bestfriends started drifting
away or when someone entered as a new admission in all minion
replica. I thought l knew love when suddenly in a math class, of |2th
grade I accidentally met my first ever friend of lst grade, after I0
years. I thougnt I knew love when we cried on a phone call or I
thought l knew love whenever I liked a character from a movie or a
I thought I knew it all.
I thought I knew love when we danced in rain or when
we had secret names for people we didn't like.,
The Escaper
But then I met love.
Randomly on a social media platforn, singing something
which I don't remember now. Love was new. But yet so
familiar. Gentle but dlidnt hide the roughness. With so
many years in bagpack, love was unrecognizable. Love
now talked differently and sweared too. Love was distant
and had tough walls, surrounding.
Love and I were similar yet so different.
Love, loved phone calls and I was a texter. LOve was into
isolating and l was a sticky gummy bear. Love could sing
and l was only "ust someone in the audience".
Love and l shared some childhood but life changed
drastically afterwards.
Love could tell my lies, but love was a good liar. Love was
easy to talk to but sometimes we didn't talk at all. Love
felt so close but disappeared a lot. Love made love, look
so easy. Love laughed a little less but was a good listener.
The Escaper
Love had flaws. Love sometimes didnt care at all.
Love and l made plans.
Love was dorky and sometimes smarty pants. Love taught me
lessons. I started falling for love but bam, love, had a love. Love was
in love with someone else. My world spinned fast but this time love
didn't hold me. May be love was scared too. I was fighting with hope
and letting go, but love had no idea. Loving was supposed to be
easy and complete. Loving was supposed to be giddy and conceit.
But it made me realise that may be l was a bit too difficult to be
loved back.
Because love, didn't loved me back. Love didn't love me, the way l
did. My world spinned a little bit faster. It was a bad decision, it
seemed like summer disguised asa fall season.
l confessed, I love you.
And love said, it will pass,just hold on, will you ?!
By Ambika Sah
Well composed !
Love has a vast spectrum and knowing all can have its own challenges 🤣🤣🤣
Well written .
Love it. Very very cool!
My favorite one!