By Dr. Pratik Pravin Bhat
My psychiatrist said everything would be all right.
He gave me pills
That helped me thrive.
I was used to it now,
But the voices in my head
Wouldn’t help me remember
To forget
How things had progressed.
He cheated on me, with her.
I was waiting for him,
But he was in another girl’s room.
I tracked him through Google.
I had all the accounts.
I opened the door.
I confronted them both.
He slapped me on my face,
Said that I was a disgrace
To his love.
The memories I had
Started fading in time.
I wanted to commit suicide, though
Instead, I drowned myself in wine.
Smoked a cigarette.
Opened a bottle of scotch.
Threw into the abyss
The pills that had been prescribed.
Insanity was my sanity.
I would travel with the light.
My path chooses the dark now.
I will ruin myself,
That the only way to
Ever be happy
Is to eliminate my
Humbled existence.
By Dr. Pratik Pravin Bhat