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How A Poet is Born

Noted Nest

By Shubham Agrawal

I would have become either a C.A. or a Doctor

Neither of the two have I become after studies

My internal urge to write poems and articles

Make me scribble down some creativity

I poetically write about my unfulfilled plight

Words flow from heart and soul whenever I sit to write

This is how a natural poet is born within me, all by surprise

The urge to write motivated me to write more and more of these.

The poet is not born in the mother’s womb

But our inner spirit expresses itself to its natural urge.

The heart learns to listen to the unsaid,

To the pauses between breaths,

To the series of emotions raw and unfiltered

The poet gives his voice

To the silence in the chaos

Building a bridge between the poet and the poem

The poet marries the language,

And out of this marriage, the poem is born.

By Shubham Agrawal

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