By Radha Konda
Some words died in ears and
Some were locked in my room,
Some frozen in the white winters,
Some locked behind my lips,
Some went to bed on the paper,
Some travelled through light and dark,
Some sailed through stormy nights,
Some rolled back the way they were painted
Some decided to rest in the thoughts,
Some curled up in frozen brushes,
Some tangled up in the ink pots,
Some took the form of all colours around the world,
Some acted as secret pleasures,
Some took shelter in silent whispers,
Some were jumbled in the lost prayers,
Some beared more than their limit,
Some felt vulnerable to express the pain,
Some felt overwhelmed to imitate love,
Some felt numb because they overworked,
Some lost value and identity in expression
Some were lost in the unknown forest,
Some disguised as mud under rocks,
Some gave up, too weary to travel any further,
Some left their teary farewells under dripping skies.
By Radha Konda