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Noted Nest

By Anju Kumari

But one hour mine, mourn the reflection of amour.

Mistic presence, grieving the warmth and dried fleur.

Thou art, the rain, sink in the agony and pain.

Stain of love, the last drop on your lips,

filling the gaps of goodbye.

Sun doth parched, nothingness in being pluviophile.

Hazel eyes drowning in the classic storm of goodbye.

Up and down, like a lifeline,

"Oh! Cherie, let's dance along the shore".

Sailing the memories, quenching the icy drizzle.

Mask the heaven with the hugs now.

With all triumphant, yet, you are mine!

Let's open the door and see the symphony,

skip the beat and dive into epiphany.

Escaping the rhythm of drizzling darkness,

the shortest night in the long weather misses the splendour seen.

Proud, set me in the last you.

Adieu my love!

Let confetti confess the love at the funeral.

Oh petrichor, make a bridge.

Let the cloud dier once, no black, no white,

Now you, me and the shine.

By Anju Kumari

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