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Globalisation and Cultural Connect

Noted Nest

By Prisha Kolte

Globalisation is today’s trend. One can connect with rest of the world through efficient technology, quick internet access, and what not. Globalisation has helped the world link together through trade, technology, and cultural connect. 

While trade and technology play a pivotal role in connecting people, cultural connect also makes a big difference. People around the world share music, movies, food, and traditions, making cultures blend and influence each other. As a result, we all have been able to connect with the western culture, and understand it well. The western culture has had a strong influence on all of us leading us to follow everything they do : the trends they follow, their language, their food habits and what not. This trend has certainly been going well for many years now because western culture has helped the world evolve and grow rapidly, however, this has led to a loss of our  cultural and traditional values in a bid to keep up with the rest of the world : 

Dominance of Western Culture - The dominance of Western culture makes the world feel less diverse. Many cultures around the world start resembling one another in ways that diminish their uniqueness. For example global fast food chains, Western fashion trends, etc. 

Loss of Traditional Values and Practices - As Western culture spreads, traditional customs, languages, and ways of life change. Younger generations may feel pressure to adopt Western styles, leading to the loss of cultural identity. For example, local traditions, clothing, and languages are being replaced by Westernized alternatives. 

Younger generations have adopted Western practices, such as dressing in Western-style clothing, celebrating Western holidays, or speaking English instead of their native languages. This has led to a loss of cultural identity over time. 

Health and Lifestyle Issues - The spread of Western culture, particularly in the form of fast food, and unhealthy habits, has contributed to rising health issues in many countries, such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. As Western dietary habits spread, traditional diets rich in natural, local foods are replaced with processed or unhealthy options, leading to negative health consequences. 

Losing connect with one’s own culture – The spread of Western culture is seen as a form of cultural dominance, where one culture imposes its values on others. This can lead to resentment, loss of cultural pride. People may feel that their own culture is being ignored in favour of Western ideas. 

However, globalisation and the connect with Western culture has definitely helped the world evolve rapidly, through technology, trade and cultural connect. The connectivity and communication between people has improved a lot, and we are now able to understand each others’ culture and connect with each other well.

 While the aspect of globalisation has two sides and  spread of Western culture has brought some benefits, such as technological advancements and increased connectivity, it has also led to the loss of cultural diversity, economic dependency, and environmental challenges. The key is finding a balance between both the cultures and choosing what is right. 


By Prisha Kolte

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