By Katana
Two princesses
In a castle
A loving father for a king.
The day the girls came into his life
He swore to protect them
To love them
To turn them into his warriors.
Not warriors for a war
Warriors of life
To fight any battle
That comes their way
To fight anyone
That dares to cross their waY.
The girls are his pride
The girls are his life.
The day he SaW
His princesses smile
He decided to pay any price
To keep these smiles
And the twinkle in their eyes.
He named his warriors
One a weapon
To protect his family
One a precious gem
He made his daughters
Princesses of his heart
Warriors of the family
His princesses
His warriors
Look up at him now
The pride in his eyes
To call us his daughters;
And now we shall do
Anything in our power
To keep the prideful twinkle
In his eyes
Like he did for us.
By Katana
Very well written Katana ..keep writing
Beautifully pened 😊
Beautifully written Katana! Looking forward to more lovely poems from you.
Very touching!
A father-daughter bond is always special and it comes through so beautifully in this poem.
Very well penned.