By Bhakti Agarwal
The storm has finally settled.
after a downpour stretching to eternity,
water logging in my house seeping out of the cracks-
Everything is fine.
I sit on the floor,
dripping wet from pouring out
the water that came in,
my bones tired of the sweet ache of survival-
Everything is fine.
The water is gone, the water's finally gone,
after a Sisyphean effort that never ceased,
the daylight glistens on the pool of water-
Everything is fine.
Everything is fine,
but thunder rumbles in the sky,
And I'm back,
Back to drowning in the water I was throwing away-
Everything. Is. Fine.
It's sunny again,
But why am I whimpering like a wet dog?
The storm is not coming again-
But what if it does?
I can step into the daylight-
Crisp, seeping into my skin like a cure.
But how can I forget my tears?
That daunting, never ending feeling
of impending doom thrumming in my chest,
reverberating in my shaking hands?
The very wind that cradles my wet hair
was a wild witness of my ruin.
Everything is fine,
But I can't forget when it wasn't.
By Bhakti Agarwal