By Jagathisan P
Even if you don’t have decent job with regular pay,
Neither get a single meal to eat every day,
Wear and tear have made your low-cost clothes fray,
Stop not hard work till you get all miseries go away.
Even if abused and scold you as an outcast,
The arrogant mob do try to ban and blast,
Deny the chance and your prospects to go past.
Never mind, world one day appreciate you at last.
Even if poverty drives you out from many a pillar to post,
spun you up in thin air like a ten-pence coin tost.
Based on race and place, they ridicule and nastily roast,
keep that steadfast truth as first and always foremost.
Even if some events turn and twist for awful worst,
don’t get bogged down; keep calm have no outbursts.
Take time, sync all efforts to keep your goal at first.
Analyse past, assess the future and being alert is must.
Even if all thorns are there in dreadful deadly track
to stop your Odyssey by the crumble, cut and crack.
don’t know gimmicks, gizmos and uncanny knack.
be bold; that will keep you ahead of all in the pack.
Even if you feel this is your new life on this earth
for sins you committed during the erstwhile birth,
Don’t be anxious over the future till your day of death
Tomorrow the six-foot frame will shake with mirth.
Even if life is full of surprise and rude shock,
As if isolated and kept in a murky room on lock.
Endure the pain an lots of happiness in stock.
Don’t neglect and ignore archangel Ariel’s knock.
Even if some ventures slow down ,stall and flop,
The hindrances do force you so to finally drop.
Don’t worry you will also get the complete prop.
hard work always gives the perfect slot at top.
Even if enemies to harm you form embedded nexus,
frame some baseless, useless allegations of excess.
Just for allies to benefit, they do deceitful fixes
failure is not endpoint; the one step ahead is success.
Even if you can’t move a little due to terminal ill
Though you have the task of reaching the top of a craggy hill
Flaskets need the gut, grit, and gumption to fill.
God will come and bless always to get all at your will.
By Jagathisan P