By Deepali Singla
I have always envisioned myself
cradled in your lap,
my head resting in serenity,
my heart laid bare at your feet.
Right or wrong,
I’ve ceased overanalyzing my choices—
instead, I attune myself
to that subtle tale
they call intuition.
Through open eyes,
I delve into the depths of
those I encounter,
finding you woven into countless stories—
emerging from the forge of suffering,
resilient and luminous.
And when I close my eyes
and anchor myself in breath,
I witness a luminous white light,
and my body exults
as if a hundred butterflies
have finally found their home.
As a child,
I used to question my mother
about your existence,
and reaching adulthood,
I wandered in search.
But now,
I no longer seek—
for I know you are the ember
of yearning,
eternally kindling within me.
By Deepali Singla